Sashi commented on my last post which was made a million years ago (thanks Sashi). I was gone so long I wonder if everyone thought I'd died?
Someone who did almost die was my cat Rumple. She was ravished by a randy chocolate siamese cat who bit her on her beautiful fluffy tail (where I couldn't see it). Long story short she developed an abscess on her tail and then had pus forming on her chest. If she'd been any closer to death - she'd have been dead! So an oxygen tank, drip, intravenous antibiotics an X-ray and a chest tap later - she survived but definitely used up all of her nine lives. Probably my most favourite bit (not) was when she came home and I had to give her not one, not two but three different pills twice a day. Lord have mercy!
So apart from feline near death experiences what else have I been up to? Enjoying the freedom of not owning a shop anymore, catching up with girlfriends and lots of veging out which has to stop really. I've also been working as a volunteer with a refugee family which has been an eye opening and interesting experience.
Tommorrow I am teaching a needlefelting class to a group of wet felters - dry felting and three dimensional techniques will be new to them - so that's exciting.
I've also got a gig next Saturday with a Spinning and Weaving group too up in the Gosford area. This has motivated me to get the needles out and add a few new samples to my repertoire - so watch this space!